2025 Annual Fundraising Banquet Scheduled!

We are excited to announce that the annual Fin & Feather banquet has been scheduled for 2025!

The banquet will be held on Saturday, May 10, 2025.

For more information about the event, and to purchase tickets, please visit the banquet page.

Thanks, we look forward to a great event this year, and can’t wait to see everyone!

2020 Fin & Feather Banquet Cancelled

In light of COVID-19, the officers of Lake Panorama Fin and Feather have made the difficult decision to cancel our 2020 Annual Banquet.

This decision was made due to public gathering restrictions hampering committee planning activities, in combination with a lack of suitable dates for rescheduling the event.

We want to thank those who have already purchased 2020 membership/banquet tickets!

We truly appreciate your support, and we will be reaching out to you individually to let you know that your donations, tickets, or other payments will be carried over to 2021.

If you would prefer to have a refund instead of carrying over your membership, please contact our Treasurer.

2019 Kids Fishing Derby

Panorama Days is coming up soon, which means it’s almost time for Fin & Feather’s annual Kids Fishing Derby!

Thanks to tremendous support from our members and donors, this event is FREE for ALL area kids up to age 13. Here are all the details:

When & Where

As always, the Derby will take place at the Coulter’s Marina jetty on Lake Panorama.

Sunday, August 4th, 2019.

Registration starts at 8:15 AM

Fishing from 9-11 AM

Prizes and Awards to follow!

Rules & Registration

For a full listing of age brackets, trophy categories and awards, please download this registration sheet. Fill it out and bring it with you to save time the morning of the event.

We’re looking forward to another great event with lots of fun, fish, and smiling kids. See you there!

Upcoming Events – Panorama Days 2018

Panorama Days Fishing Events

You won’t want to miss these upcoming fishing events during the 2018 Panorama Days celebration!

Bass Fishing Tournament

Panorama Days Bass Fishing Tournament – LPA Members (boats) ONLY.


Saturday, August 4th.


Registration begins at 5 a.m. at Marina. Launch by hat drawing at safe light, around 5:30 a.m. End time is 1:30 p.m. with weigh-in shortly after.


$80 per boat (cash only) plus $10 if team wants to be part of “Big Bass” running.

Payout will be 90% and will go to one place for every five boats. The remaining 10% will go back to the Panorama Days fund. “Big Bass” will pay out 100% of fees.

All boats must have current LPA and invasive stickers and may be inspected by tournament official, LPA or DNR personnel.

Questions—Call Scott Stanley (641) 757-1337.

Kids Fishing Derby


Sunday, August 5th at Lake Panorama Marina from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.


  • Registration begins at 8:15 a.m. Registration is free courtesy of Lake Panorama Fin & Feather.
  • Four age groups will compete—3-5, 6-8, 9-11 and 12-13.
  • Trophies for each age group for most fish, smallest and largest fish.
  • The top three biggest fish will get trophy and cash prize, excluding carp.
  • A separate trophy for all age groups combined will be given for biggest carp.
  • Every participant will receive a prize!

There will be over $1,500 of trophies and prizes! Family members welcome to enjoy event.

See that child light up with catching a fish and maybe getting a trophy! Questions—please call Scott Stanley (641) 757-1337.

Donations for money or prizes welcome. Make out to “Fin and Feather” (It’s tax-deductible!) and send to Scott Stanley at 5269 Panorama Terrace, Panora, IA 50216.

Check out more info on our annual Kid’s Fishing Derby!

Volunteers Wanted! Fishing Structure Project 2018

Thanks to the ongoing support of our members and donors, the time has come to begin preparations for our 2018 Fishing Structure Project.

This year we will once again be sinking trees and other structure in strategic locations on Lake Panorama.

To make this big job easier, we are asking for members and supporters to volunteer some time on Sunday afternoon, June 10, 2018. We will be meeting at the marina at 1PM. 

Any extra chainsaws, ATVs, and helping hands are welcome, as we cut and drag trees down to the shore.

All of this effort will go towards adding quality fish habitat, which leads to improved fishing  opportunities and success on our lake.

Be sure to dress appropriately, work clothes, gloves, and safety glasses are recommended.

Hope to see you there!

2018 Lake Panorama Fin & Feather Annual Banquet

The LPA Fin & Feather Committee invites you to enjoy another great year at the lake.

On Saturday, May 12, 2018 we will be holding our Annual Fin & Feather Banquet at the LPN Conference Center.

The fun begins at 5:00 pm with a social hour and games; dinner at 6:30 and a silent/live auction to follow.

Be a Big Skipper!

The “Big Skipper Club” has become a mainstay of our program.

Due to the success of last year’s event, over $11,000 of walleyes, largemouth bass and perch were stocked in Lake Panorama in the fall of 2017.

For just $125, you receive 2 dinner tickets, entry in the Big Skipper Raffle, your name in the program, and one year family membership in Lake Panorama Fin and Feather.

Other membership and meal ticket options are available.

Join Us!

Please join us for an evening of fellowship and fun.  All ages are welcome.

Download your Fin and Feather Membership Application.

Please note tickets will not be sent in the mail. They will be ready for you at the door!  

Make sure to share this page with all your friends!